Building a
Better Black Sheep
Attention all Creditors and Shareholders of the Black Sheep Brewery PLC
As either a creditor or shareholder of the Black Sheep Brewery PLC (“Black Sheep” or “the Company”), you should have received a letter from Teneo Financial Advisory Limited (“Teneo”) dated 30th May 2023, stating that as administrators to Black Sheep, Teneo are “obliged to consider the conduct of the directors of the Company during the last three years”, and requesting that any matters you might wish to bring to their attention be provided “in writing”.
Teneo are both the administrators and liquidators of Black Sheep and have a clear duty to carefully investigate whether or not the directors acted in a proper manner during the three years prior to Black Sheep being put into administration, and its assets then being sold in a pre-pack transaction to a new company called the Black Sheep Brewing Company Limited in which three of the former directors, Mrs. Charlene Lyons, and the brothers Robert and Jo Theakston have acquired a near 25% share stake.
It is important that as many creditors and shareholders as possible make their views known to Teneo, as there remains the possibility of replacing Teneo as liquidators of Black Sheep if they do not adequately fulfil their duty to thoroughly investigate the former directors’ behaviour.
So, please spread the word as widely as possible, and encourage as many other Black Sheep creditors and shareholders you know to do the same. Thank you.
Your letters should be addressed to:
Mr. Kristian Shuttleworth
Joint Administrator
Teneo Financial Advisory Limited
The Colmore Building
20 Colmore Circus Queensway
Birmingham B4V6AT
and then e-mailed to Mr. Shuttleworth at
If you have any queries as to what to say, please feel free to contact me at
This is only the beginning, and we should leave no stone unturned, so please write to Mr.
Shuttleworth at Teneo as soon as possible. Thank you.
David Nabarro
Founder of
6th August 2023